Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Health Tip #3

Fitbrose_swoosh at you guys again with another health tip for today!

First off I want to make sure that everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!
I know that was a lot of food to be eaten and maybe some drinks (alcoholic) being consumed, as we all should be doing for celebrating the day of Independence!!

But as always it is time to get back to that eating healthy and working out! I know that for some a weekend like this is the number one cause for why we tend to fall off the wagon and end up losing all of the progress that we've made to this point in our fitness journeys. So while it might seem like a drag to get to the gym today...remember while this is not a sprint, you should always look at the bigger picture in life and that is to live as long as we possibly can!

So why not continue to do so even after a long vacation or a weekend filled with fun! They way I always tend to look at it is that "I gave myself a cheat weekend to go out and have fun with my buddies, now time to get back at it".

Doing this not only creates a positive reinforcement; in the fact that because of your hard work and efforts to continuing to eat healthy and be active you can know that rewarding yourself. Is like giving yourself a pat on the back for doing everything that you have set out to do. Now that we begin our second push for our fitness journey lets look at another key that will be one of the most important aspects to making sure that your recovery and future progress is not halted and tampered with.

That is the power of SLEEP!
Yes, I am talking about sleep. One of the most over looked tools that we contain as fitness lovers is the fact that while we have very very busy schedules we often time make the mistake of only getting sometimes 3-5 hours of sleep because we are so worried about making a deadlines or finishing up a project or maybe figuring out how to solve financial problems. The point is that we spend to many nights being consumed with so many stimulants and thoughts that we often time neglect what the most crucial thing about our nights, is that it is meant for us to wine down and to start relaxing so that when we crawl into bed that we are going to get some sleep with out and worries or troubling thoughts.

Now this brings me to my next point which is a set of rules to follow when getting ready for bed:
1.) KEEP ALL ELECTRONICS OUT OF THE ROOM! May sound silly but in all honesty we are so technology attached to everything that if we allow our technology to be in the room we wont actually get sleep because any light in the room causes the brain to think time to get up and keep working when that's not what we want at all.
2.) DON'T WORKOUT RIGHT BEFORE GETTING INTO BED! The last thing we want to do is try to get in those extra pushups or crunches right before bed because we want the body to be nice and cool and relaxed right before bed to ensure that we are getting a good rest, the last thing we need to get into bed having all of our muscles firing and ready to get moving.
3.) THE BEDROOM SHOULD ONLY BE FOR SEX OR SLEEP! I will just leave it at that, the bedroom should only be for some fun time with the significant other and then sleeping.

So I hope this was helpful and with that catch yall tomorrow!

Fitbrose_swoosh out!

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